From time to time I run Group Healing Workshops in Melbourne. I integrate a range of complementary healing approaches to make lasting changes. Together we address concerns such as: stress relief, anxiety, anger, trauma, pain, weight problems, cravings, compulsive behaviour, phobias, fear of presenting in public, grief, shame, rejections – or whatever else is holding someone back.
I’m also available to present to companies to help their staff and to organisations to assist members with such problems. Groups offer such an excellent opportunity to “experience” healing with the benefit of clearing problems, even significant issues.
Being part of a group can be quite special. Everyone “borrows benefits”, often without disclosing details if they choose not to share. There‘s always an element of fun and laughter in these friendly groups.
The benefits of being part the group energy serves to amplify results. If for example there are 10 present, the energy multiplies to the “power of 10”. It becomes 10 x 10 = 100 times more powerful. (Rather than just “10” representing 10 people.)
I usually choose one topic, such as “Anxiety”. In case that isn’t an issue (or it’s just one of others waiting to be dropped), at the start of the group I have everyone set an Intention of what they’d like to let go of.
I use Meridian Tapping, Dowsing, Court Of Atonement, Bilateral Stimulation, sometimes Guided Meditation, and I always have other surprises up my sleeve.
Heather Wilks
Director of Oh! Naturale Pty. Ltd.
Mobile: 0414 836 654 (+613 414 836 654)
Email: please use this form to send an email.