
Here’s what others have said about the results of my counselling work for Stress Relief underpinning Phobias, Anxiety, Pain, Cravings, Weight Loss, Binge Eating, Food Disorders, PTSD, Trauma, Compulsive Behaviour, Business Challenges, Stage Performance Anxiety, and Cancer Stress to find more Peace, Happiness and Fun.

• Phobias
“My daughter had a great fear of insects and spiders, as well as a terror of germs associated with living things, including our puppy. After working with Heather she looked as though she had had a huge weight taken off her shoulders. Soon she was rescuing ants and daddy long leg spiders in jars to carry outside. Her obsession with hand washing was overcome too. We never expected her problems to clear to the point of having a snake draped around her neck.” CK, Reg. Nurse

• Distress, Pain 
“I had a tapping session with Heather over Zoom and I was absolutely astounded by the fast and effective results. Heather created such a safe space for me and was able to articulate the exact statements that I needed to hear. The pain I had in my back just melted away and after the session I felt so much more secure, relaxed and sure of myself, after a very tough couple of months with my mental health. The results of tapping are just incredible and I can’t recommend Heather highly enough!” Catherine M, Therapist

A few months ago, I was involved in a shocking car accident with family on board. The whole experience was horrific. I am very pleased to say we are all okay, but I couldn’t get the picture of my grandchildren out of my head. Weeks later I was still struggling. My son suggested I see Heather Wilks for consultations via Zoom. I have to say she has changed my life. Heather introduced me to tapping.  After even the first session I felt a lot better. It was like a miracle, and I am not joking. I felt Heather’s approach was coming from a safe and wise place. I felt totally comfortable. She explained about changing the neural pathways in my brain and it made sense to me. Since our sessions together, my family and friends have all commented on how much younger and more relaxed I am about everything.

I highly recommend Heather. It is my intention to touch base with her every few months if I need further help. Glenda N, Retired

• Anxiety, Pain 
“Heather’s methods of healing emotional or physical pains are certainly not orthodox, but also they are not tricky or worrying. Together we have had several fruitful and helpful sessions. One of the main things I love about Heather is that she really is very on the ball intuitive, has a wonderful sense of humour, and is certainly insightful. I do recommend her to anyone seeking a slightly (but comfortably) different methodology to sort out pains, of whatever sort.” Dr Ted Todd, Melbourne

• Cravings
“I was hooked on Peppermint Aero® chocolate and Choc Mint Chocolate ice cream. I took some of the Aero chocolate to Heather Wilks to work on my cravings. (I didn’t take the ice cream as it would have melted.) We worked on releasing my cravings and found it went to a memory that I would never have associated with chocolate mint flavours. That week I finished the chocolate so thought it hadn’t worked. Months later I threw out the ice cream because I had no desire whatsoever to eat it. It’s now been well over two years and I haven’t bought either since. Not even thought about them. It’s amazing that it worked on both, even though we only worked on one. Thanks Heather for giving me back the power I’d given away to chocolate and ice cream! Your private sessions and groups have made such a difference to me.” TM, Healer

• Weight Loss
“You have given me so much strength and support. I have not touched chocolate, chips or potato crisps since our sessions and have been making conscious better food choices. I lost 5 kg in 6 weeks. Your work with me was AMAZING. You truly transformed my outlook and allowed Freedom into my mind with some clarity. I love, love our time together.” JP, Hairdressing Salon Owner

• Anxiety, Binge Eating
“With Heather’s guidance, the negatives changed. I’m driving in Melbourne traffic without anxiety. I’m sleeping 6 or 7 hours without waking, not needing to get out of bed at 2 or 3 am to binge eat. My anxiety has dropped dramatically and I’m free of “shoulds”. The chest tightness and hip pain have disappeared! I’m lighter in my thoughts and body, more relaxed with family members.” PW, Reflexologist

• Food Disorders
“I had a couple of FasterEFT sessions with Heather because I wasn’t able to eat and was having so much trouble swallowing. So I just couldn’t face food. I knew it was unhealthy not to have any appetite and that increased my fear.

Just before it started I’d had severe vertigo then massive panic, real terror. Heather worked with me to address the physical sensations and all the emotions involved. I was surprised that at one point it harked back to a trauma from my teenage years, something I’d worked on and believed had been overcome. Obviously there was still more around it.

It was fascinating how the healing unfolded with so many other unexpected tangents. I appreciated Heather’s sensitivity around this and her follow-up as I began to introduce solid food into my diet. The outcome has been wonderful. I am now eating really well, far more healthily than ever – it’s something I’ve dreamed of achieving and I’m now totally comfortable about honouring my decision to follow a natural eating plan. Plus, I am tapping along to Robert Smith’s FasterEFT YouTubes, enjoying even more opportunities for changes.” LF, Naturopath

• Compulsive Behaviour, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
“I’m more confident, more worthy of love and appreciation. My work is so much better. I’m doing more in less time and finding it easier to solve problems/issues. I’m no longer a shopaholic, which has been a long term problem. No longer purchasing items on impulse. Such powerful work – it’s amazing. I have a totally new attitude. It’s very exciting to be looking forward to a wonderful life.” NS, Business Woman

• Trauma
“After more than 13 years of conventional therapy, Heather helped me in ways I used to dream about. She never seemed to get phased by any of my “stuff”. She was just like having the ideal mother on tap”. JS, Environmental Scientist

• Low Self Esteem, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
“Before I went to see Heather Wilks, I was suffering from trauma, low self esteem, guilt, trust issues and struggling to let go of the past. I had suffered from addiction to drugs for about 5 years until I went to rehab in 2017 and got clean.
“When I went to see Heather I was about 7 months pregnant and having relationship issues. Being pregnant seemed to trigger the issues I’d suppressed when I was using drugs. Heather’s approach was very gentle and her humour made me feel very safe and welcome. The first session we did tapping which gave me an experience of what it was like to let go of something and I knew that change was really possible. I then decided to do The Richards Trauma Process (TRTP) with her. I felt more free after each session. I let go of the trauma, the guilt, the trust issues and as a result, my self esteem grew. My partner noticed big differences in my behaviour straight away. The new me came about very quickly. Before seeing Heather I was actually missing my old life, which was delusional because it had been chaotic and painful. Now I’m able to focus on being a mother and my partner and building a new life. It’s as if those old issues were never even there!” TR, Hairdresser

• Business Challenges
“I had a number of sessions over time. Whenever anxiety problems arose. Running busy business kept me on the go and I was forever juggling time and people problems. Heather helped to adapt to challenges while growing my company. I particularly liked the fact that these approaches are non intrusive. The relief from anxiety problems was enormous.” VK, Interior Designer.

• Stage Performance Anxiety
“Heather received a lovely write up in a CLASAX (Clarinet and Saxophone Society of Victoria) newsletter. She worked on a student’s performance anxiety for her VCE clarinet music exams, as well as the CLSAX Performance contest. The student passed her VCE and did so well, she was placed well in the contest.” AS, University Lecturer

• Anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
“I was referred onto Heather by a relative who had had experienced positive and sustained results a few years back. When commencing sessions with Heather I had been experiencing delayed onset Post Traumatic Stress with flashbacks, general anxiety, social anxiety, and intrusive thoughts regarding multiple stressful events. Feelings of guilt and shame were also making me irritable and disproportionately reactive.
“The experience with Heather Wilks for three sessions of TRTP was done via Zoom due to my overseas location and was professional from start to finish. I felt heard, safe and in good hands. Since the sessions, I have emotionally calmed down and I am approaching changes, hiccups and challenges with a more leveled approach. Where I do react to a situation, I’m able to steady myself and calmly rethink the reaction. I’m not crying and feeling down about memories. The flashbacks or intrusive thoughts have ceased and I have found a new sense of peace. In general, I feel more calm and I’m finding asserting personal boundaries is becoming easier. I feel positive about my future and have commenced in a role that is a reflection of my being able to put the past to rest.” LR, Human Resources

• Finding Peace
“Heather’s style is empathetic and kind and she provides exactly the right environment to feel safe and accepted in order to gain the most benefit from healing.” Linda B, Practitioner

• Cancer Stress
“After my shock diagnosis of aggressive bladder cancer, I had a series of ongoing phone consultations with Heather and I found significant relief. We worked on the pain and the emotions as they arose, especially the confusion and the overwhelm, as well as the physical discomfort. We dealt with the stress around my illness and worked to release all the pressure and mood swings I was feeling. After my operation, she helped me via further phone sessions to overcome extreme fatigue.” FW, Retired Accountant

Heather Wilks

Director of Oh! Naturale Pty. Ltd.

Mobile: 0414 836 654 (+613 414 836 654)
Email: please use this form to send an email.